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Triplett Full Product Catalog: Volume 1 Now Available


COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Plan

April 8, 2021


Triplett Test Equipment Risk Mitigation Plan – COVID-19

In light of ongoing concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19 and the effect it is having on our global economy, Triplett wants to reassure our business partners that we continue to take risk-mitigating actions to minimize both health risks and business continuity risks.

Our entire workforce is actively following CDC guidance regarding good personal and facility hygiene practices and we are cleaning our facility on a daily basis. We implemented actions to avoid or minimize unnecessary close contact a year ago and we continue to exercise these precautions.

Triplett continues to monitor the CDC regarding COVID-19 to ensure best practices are in place and effective. Our emphasis is to maintain a healthy and informed workforce that can continue to provide products and services to our valued customers.


Current Visitor Policy (effective 1-Apr-2021)

  • We strongly encourage teleconferencing for all group activities such as business meetings
  • We have suspended all non-critical audits of our facility, however, we have begun hosting audits deemed critical as long as any visitors can comply with our COVID health screening questions and wear appropriate PPE in our facilities
  • Anyone requesting a facility visit will be asked to provide justification due to current risks
  • All business-critical visitors will be asked to provide travel history information and complete a visitor questionnaire prior to access to the facility
  • We are continuing to enforce a ban on all visitors from all countries that have a Level 3 or 4 Travel Health Notice.


Triplett has experienced some supply-chain disruption, but thus far, the impact across our businesses has been minimized.

We continue to work closely with all of our suppliers to assure that any disruptions are minimized.

We are sharing communications from local health officials and federal organizations (CDC and the like) with all employees as they become available.  We are supporting work-from-home opportunities where applicable and requiring those who may feel ill to stay at home.

We are committed to supporting our customers and keeping them informed as conditions evolve. Our goal is to continue to meet all of our customers’ needs and ensure we remain effective through this crisis.