The Fox and Hound Premium Toning Kit makes tracing wires a cinch!
Do you need to find non-energized wires in walls, ceilings, and floors? How about networking, HVAC cable connections and phone lines? Look no further than the Fox and Hound Premium Toning Kit. This inductive tracer with two probes indicates magnetic fields with audio and visual signals. A built-in filter helps suppress 60 Hz and high-frequency noise. The tone generator has three tones for guiding the tracer to wires.
The Triplett 3399 Fox & Hound wire and cable tracing kit consists of the versatile Fox 2 Tone Generator (Toner) and the high-performance Hound 3 Inductive Amplifier (Probe). Applications include tracing electrical wires, twisted pairs, LAN cables, multi-conductor cables, telephone cables, and more and can detect trace tones up to 12”away. It provides (3) methods of connectivity - RJ11, RJ45 or alligator clips.
Features of Fox and Hound Premium Toning Kit
This battery operated handheld lightweight multi-function Toner that generates multiple tones, performs some basic telephone line tests (loop mA and line polarity), provides a visual and audible continuity test, and incorporates Triplett’s True Trace and TripLatch tests. The HOUND 3 is a battery operated handheld lightweight Probe, with a thumbwheel Sensitivity control and Signal Strength indicator LED. It improves on previous designs (the HOUND and HOUND 2) with built-in LED illuminators, a bandpass filter, and an earphone jack. It includes a User Manual that is very in depth and very well written by the actual design engineers. The information inside is better than any other tone and probe manuals on the market and will guide you through using this kit to the best of its ability making tracking down wiring and circuit problems a cinch, saving you time and money! It’s a great read! The User Manual can be downloaded here: www.triplett.com